PostgreSQL create table like/as创建新表pg_attribute.attndims变为0
PostgreSQL 数据库对于包含数组类型的表,通过 create table like/as 语法创建的新表与原表结构不一致,新表数组字段的 pg_attribute.attndims 值为 0,原表不为 0。
postgres=# \d test1; Table "public.test1" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------+----------- id | integer | datas | integer[] | d2 | integer[] | d3 | integer[] | postgres=# create table test2 (like test1); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \d test2; Table "public.test2" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------+----------- id | integer | datas | integer[] | d2 | integer[] | d3 | integer[] | postgres=# select att.attname, att.attndims from pg_attribute att, pg_class c where c.relname='test1' and att.attrelid = c.oid; attname | attndims ----------+---------- tableoid | 0 cmax | 0 xmax | 0 cmin | 0 xmin | 0 ctid | 0 id | 0 datas | 1 d2 | 2 d3 | 3 postgres=# select att.attname, att.attndims from pg_attribute att, pg_class c where c.relname='test2' and att.attrelid = c.oid; attname | attndims ----------+---------- tableoid | 0 cmax | 0 xmax | 0 cmin | 0 xmin | 0 ctid | 0 id | 0 datas | 0 d2 | 0 d3 | 0 (10 rows) postgres=# create table test3 as select * from test1; SELECT 1 postgres=# \d test3; Table "public.test3" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------+----------- id | integer | datas | integer[] | d2 | integer[] | d3 | integer[] | postgres=# select att.attname, att.attndims from pg_attribute att, pg_class c where c.relname='test3' and att.attrelid = c.oid; attname | attndims ----------+---------- tableoid | 0 cmax | 0 xmax | 0 cmin | 0 xmin | 0 ctid | 0 id | 0 datas | 0 d2 | 0 d3 | 0 (10 rows)